
DigiTwins4PEDs Consortium Holds Productive Second In-Person Meeting in Vienna

From November 27th to 29th, 2024, the DigiTwins4PEDs consortium gathered for its second in-person meeting at the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Vienna. This hybrid event brought together...

Stanisław Biernat Promotes DigiTwins4PEDs at the Made in Wroclaw Conference

Our partners continue to seize opportunities to promote the DigiTwins4PEDs project! Stanisław Biernat from InfoSolutions recently took part as a speaker at the prestigious Made in Wroclaw conference...

DigiTwins4PEDs Showcased at Innocity Expo 2024 in Kraków

The DigiTwins4PEDs project was featured at the Innocity Expo 2024, a major event focused on smart city innovations, held in Kraków. InfoSolutions, one of the project partners, hosted a booth at the...

Second Consortium Meeting of DigiTwins4PEDs Held Online Amid Flooding Challenges

The DigiTwins4PEDs consortium recently convened for its second project meeting, originally planned as an in-person event but shifted to an online format due to severe flooding in Europe, which...

Prof. Paweł Bogusławski Presents DigiTwins4PEDs on Polish TV Program “The Future is Now”

We are delighted to share that Prof. Paweł Bogusławski from the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, one of the partners of the DigiTwins4PEDs project, was recently featured on the...

DiGiTwins4PEDs Project Featured in ISPRS Student Consortium Newsletter

The ISPRS Student Consortium has just released the latest edition of its newsletter, SPECTRUM (Vol. 17, Issue 1, April 2024). This issue, titled "Twinning in the Digital Realm: Exploring the Potential...

Polish Project Partners Participate in Climate Transformation Workshop

Representatives from the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences and InfoSolutions recently participated in an interactive and engaging workshop titled "Climate Transformation of Wrocław...

DigiTwins4PEDs: European research alliance meets for the first time in Stuttgart

The first on-site meeting of the European joint meeting of the DigiTwins4PEDs research project took place at the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences (HFT Stuttgart). Project milestones...

Dr. Pawel Boguslawski on DigiTwin4PEDs on Polish Radio Jedynka

In a recent interview with Polskie Radio Jedynka, Dr. Paweł Bogusławski, a researcher from the Insitute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics at Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, delved...
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